Here you will find some example scripts to give you an idea on using the shell.
- Recursive function call
- Run Windows dialog to set time and date
- Get Internet IP address from a service
- Upgrade composer dependencies of various projects
- Generate a testing password via external program
- Parse commandline arguments of a script
- Show environment variables via GUI
- Check if internet is available
- Speak text entered via GUI input box
- Heroes of the Storm Chat Hotkeys
Recursive function call
# Demonstrate recursive function calls
const MAX_COUNT int <= 10;
function recursive void(count int)
if (%count, -ls, %MAX_COUNT) {
++ count;
print "Count value: %count";
call recursive(%count) => void;
call recursive(0) => void;
print "Done.";
Run Windows dialog to set time and date
# Run timedate.cpl
function clock void() {
sys { timedate.cpl };
call clock() => void;
Get Internet IP address from a service
# Get Internet IP address of this machine
const SERVICE_URL string <= "https://www.example.tld/ip.php";
global ipaddr string;
sys {curl "%SERVICE_URL" --silent} ipaddr;
print "IP address: %ipaddr";
Upgrade composer dependencies of various projects
# Upgrade composer dependencies
require "array";
require "auto";
array arrProjects string 5 (
function upgrade_dependencies void(folder string)
print "Upgrading %folder...";
aut_run "composer" "update --working-dir %folder" "%folder" void;
print "Upgrading projects...";
for (i, 0, %arrProjects.length, -inc) {
call upgrade_dependencies(%arrProjects[%i]) => void;
print "Done.";
Generate a testing password via external program
# Quickly generate BCRYPT password via PHP
require "strings";
require "auto";
const C_TEST_PASSWORD string <= "test";
global expression string;
global exprlen int;
set expression <= "%2";
s_getlen "%expression" exprlen;
if (%exprlen, -ls, 3) {
set expression <= "%C_TEST_PASSWORD";
if ("%2", -eq, "--verbose") {
print "Generating password for: %expression";
function genenrate_password void()
local output string;
sys {php -r "echo password_hash('%expression', PASSWORD_BCRYPT);"} output;
print "%output";
aut_clpbsetstring "%output";
print "Copied to clipboard!";
call genenrate_password() => void;
if (%DNYAS_IS_INTERACTIVE_MODE, -eq, false) {
Parse commandline arguments of a script
# Commandline argument parser
function cmd_has bool(search string)
result false;
if (%argc, -gr, 1) {
for (i, 1, %argc, -inc) {
if ("%argv[%i]", -eq, "%search") {
result true;
function cmd_pair string(key string)
result "";
if (%argc, -gr, 1) {
for (i, 1, %argc, -inc) {
if ("%argv[%i]", -eq, "%key") {
local varIncr int;
set varIncr <= %i;
++ varIncr;
if (%varIncr, -ls, %argc) {
result "%argv[%varIncr]";
Show environment variables via GUI
# Show environment variables via GUI
require "strings";
require "forms";
global frmMain int;
global bres bool;
global envcont string;
wnd_spawnform "frmMain" "Windows Environment Variables" 200 300 500 350 frmMain;
wnd_isformvalid frmMain bres;
if (%bres, -eq, false) {
print "Failed to create form.";
wnd_spawnlistview "frmMain" "lvVariables" 10 10 467 295;
wnd_lvaddcategory "frmMain" "lvVariables" "Name" 225 true;
wnd_lvaddcategory "frmMain" "lvVariables" "Value" 220 true;
sys {set} envcont;
s_tokenize "%envcont" "%CR%LF" splittedvars;
global szVarName string;
global szVarValue string;
global numTokenIndex int;
for (i, 0, %splittedvars.count, -inc) {
s_find "%splittedvars[%i]" "=" numTokenIndex;
if (%numTokenIndex, -gr, 0) {
s_substr "%splittedvars[%i]" 0 %numTokenIndex szVarName;
++ numTokenIndex;
s_substr "%splittedvars[%i]" %numTokenIndex -1 szVarValue;
wnd_lvsetitemtext "frmMain" "lvVariables" "%szVarName" 0 bres;
wnd_lvsetsubitemtext "frmMain" "lvVariables" 0 "%szVarValue" 1 bres;
while (%bres, -eq, true) {
wnd_isformvalid frmMain bres;
Check if internet is available
# Check if internet is available
require "array";
require "strings";
array arrDomains string 3 (
global checkresult bool;
function check_availability bool(domain string)
local response string;
local httprespos int;
result false;
print "Checking via domain: %domain";
sys {curl "%domain" -X HEAD -I --silent} response;
s_find "%response" "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" httprespos;
if (%httprespos, -eq, 0) {
result true;
global resultcount int;
set resultcount <= 0;
for (i, 0, %arrDomains.length, -inc) {
call check_availability("%arrDomains[%i]") => checkresult;
if (%checkresult, -eq, true) {
++ resultcount;
if (%resultcount, -gr, 0) {
print "Internet is available (%resultcount/%arrDomains.length succeeded).";
} else {
print "All connection attempts failed.";
if (%DNYAS_IS_INTERACTIVE_MODE, -eq, false) {
Speak text entered via GUI input box
# Speak text entered via GUI input box
require "input";
require "speech";
global inputspeakrun bool;
set inputspeakrun <= true;
global slastphrase string;
set slastphrase <= "Hello World!";
spk_setvoice "Microsoft Zira Desktop";
spk_setvolume 100;
function prompt_and_speak void()
local text string;
inputbox "Speech Prompt" "Enter a text to speak" "%slastphrase" 700 500 text;
if (%text, -nt, "") {
set slastphrase <= "%text";
spk_speakasync "%text";
} else {
set inputspeakrun <= false;
while (%inputspeakrun, -eq, true) {
call prompt_and_speak() => void;
sleep 10;
unset inputspeakrun;
unset slastphrase;
Heroes of the Storm Chat Hotkeys
# Send chat messages to Heroes of the Storm via hotkeys
# This script features binding chat messages to the keys F5, F6, F7, F8 and F9 by default.
# Key F5 - F8 are subject to single chat messages where key F9 will be subject to a switching
# toggle. That means you can specify a dynamic amount of chat messages that will be iterated on
# and once the end is reached, it will be starting over from the beginning again.
# You can edit the chat messages via the GUI (except switching toggles). The script does also check
# if the current foreground window is the window of the game in order to prevent that the chat messages
# are inserted elsewhere.
# Chat messages are stored in the text file defined via the constant CONFIG_NAME. If it does not exist
# then the script will create a sample file that can be edited afterwards.
require "array";
require "auto";
require "fileio";
require "forms";
require "strings";
const WND_CLASS string <= "Heroes of the Storm";
const CONFIG_NAME string <= "hots_messages.txt";
const FORM_TEXT string <= "HotS Chat Hotkey Manager";
const KEY_CODE_1 int <= 116; #F5
const KEY_CODE_2 int <= 117; #F6
const KEY_CODE_3 int <= 118; #F7
const KEY_CODE_4 int <= 119; #F8
const KEY_CODE_5 int <= 120; #F9
global bres bool;
global brun bool;
global currentpath string;
global configpath string;
global keytoggle1 bool;
global keytoggle2 bool;
global keytoggle3 bool;
global keytoggle4 bool;
global keytoggle5 bool;
global switchcount int;
global switchmsg string;
global lasttimeactive bool;
set bres <= false;
set brun <= true;
set currentpath <= "";
set configpath <= "";
set keytoggle1 <= false;
set keytoggle2 <= false;
set keytoggle3 <= false;
set keytoggle4 <= false;
set keytoggle5 <= false;
set switchcount <= %CONFIG_TOGGLE_SECTION_START;
set switchmsg <= "";
set lasttimeactive <= true;
array arrConfigItems string 0 ();
getscriptpath currentpath;
set configpath <= {%currentpath%CONFIG_NAME};
function GameWindowActive bool()
local targetwnd int;
local wndfg int;
result false;
aut_findwindow "%WND_CLASS" \0 targetwnd;
if (%targetwnd, -gr, 0) {
aut_getfgwindow wndfg;
if (%wndfg, -eq, %targetwnd) {
result true;
function cbHotKeyToggles_OnSelect void(newItem string)
function btnSaveMessages_OnClick void()
local currentitem string;
local checkexists bool;
local hfile int;
local fopres bool;
wnd_gettextboxtext frmMain txtMsg1 currentitem;
store_item_to_array "currentitem" arrConfigItems 0;
wnd_gettextboxtext frmMain txtMsg2 currentitem;
store_item_to_array "currentitem" arrConfigItems 1;
wnd_gettextboxtext frmMain txtMsg3 currentitem;
store_item_to_array "currentitem" arrConfigItems 2;
wnd_gettextboxtext frmMain txtMsg4 currentitem;
store_item_to_array "currentitem" arrConfigItems 3;
set checkexists <= true;
fexists "%configpath" checkexists;
if (%checkexists, -eq, true) {
fremove "%configpath" fopres;
fopen "%configpath" true hfile;
if (%hfile, -nt, %FIO_INVALID_HANDLE) {
for (i, 0, %arrConfigItems.length, -inc) {
if ("%arrConfigItems[%i]", -nt, "") {
fwriteline %hfile "%arrConfigItems[%i]";
fclose %hfile;
print "Saved chat messages to: %configpath";
function btnExitScript_OnClick void()
wnd_freeform frmMain;
function LoadMessages void()
local filecontent string;
local chatcfgexists bool;
local cntnumber int;
fexists "%configpath" chatcfgexists;
if (%chatcfgexists, -eq, false) {
sys {echo -= Go0d Luck ^& Have Fun =->>"%configpath"};
sys {echo -= ! G0od Game ! =->>"%configpath"};
sys {echo -= NiCe jOb =->>"%configpath"};
sys {echo -= Let us rush the core =->>"%configpath"};
sys {echo -= Please add more switching messages =->>"%configpath"};
sys {type "%configpath"} filecontent;
s_tokenize "%filecontent" "%CR%LF" splittedmsgs;
item_insert arrConfigItems 0 "%splittedmsgs[0]";
item_insert arrConfigItems 1 "%splittedmsgs[1]";
item_insert arrConfigItems 2 "%splittedmsgs[2]";
item_insert arrConfigItems 3 "%splittedmsgs[3]";
if (%splittedmsgs.count, -gre, %CONFIG_TOGGLE_SECTION_START) {
for (i, %CONFIG_TOGGLE_SECTION_START, %splittedmsgs.count, -inc) {
item_insert arrConfigItems %i "%splittedmsgs[%i]";
set cntnumber <= %splittedmsgs.count;
-= cntnumber 4;
set switchmsg <= "(You have %cntnumber switching items)";
function CreateWindow void()
local cbselindex int;
wnd_spawnform frmMain "%FORM_TEXT" 500 400 635 330 bres;
wnd_spawnlabel frmMain "lblKey1" 20 10 20 30 "F5: ";
wnd_spawnlabel frmMain "lblKey2" 20 50 20 30 "F6: ";
wnd_spawnlabel frmMain "lblKey3" 20 90 20 30 "F7: ";
wnd_spawnlabel frmMain "lblKey4" 20 130 20 30 "F8: ";
wnd_spawnlabel frmMain "lblKey5" 20 170 20 30 "F9: ";
wnd_spawntextbox frmMain "txtMsg1" 50 10 550 20 "";
wnd_spawntextbox frmMain "txtMsg2" 50 50 550 20 "";
wnd_spawntextbox frmMain "txtMsg3" 50 90 550 20 "";
wnd_spawntextbox frmMain "txtMsg4" 50 130 550 20 "";
wnd_spawncombobox frmMain "cbHotKeyToggles" 50 170 550 1500;
wnd_spawnlabel frmMain "lblWndStatus" 20 215 350 30 "";
wnd_spawnbutton frmMain "btnSaveMessages" 20 255 200 30 "Save";
wnd_spawnbutton frmMain "btnExitScript" 400 255 200 30 "Exit";
wnd_settextboxtext frmMain txtMsg1 "%arrConfigItems[0]";
wnd_settextboxtext frmMain txtMsg2 "%arrConfigItems[1]";
wnd_settextboxtext frmMain txtMsg3 "%arrConfigItems[2]";
wnd_settextboxtext frmMain txtMsg4 "%arrConfigItems[3]";
for (cbcnt, %CONFIG_TOGGLE_SECTION_START, %arrConfigItems.length, -inc) {
wnd_cbadditem frmMain cbHotKeyToggles "%arrConfigItems[%cbcnt]";
wnd_cbgetcount frmMain cbHotKeyToggles cbselindex;
wnd_cbadditem frmMain cbHotKeyToggles "%switchmsg";
wnd_cbselectitem frmMain cbHotKeyToggles %cbselindex;
function SendText void(texttosend string)
local kres bool;
print "Sending text: %texttosend ...";
aut_sendkeystrokes {\VK_RETURN;} false false false kres;
sleep 1;
aut_sendkeystrokes %texttosend false false false kres;
sleep 1;
aut_sendkeystrokes {\VK_RETURN;} false false false kres;
function CheckKey1 void()
local kdres bool;
aut_iskeydown %KEY_CODE_1 kdres;
if (%kdres, -eq, true) {
if (%keytoggle1, -eq, false) {
call SendText("%arrConfigItems[0]") => void;
set keytoggle1 <= true;
} else {
if (%keytoggle1, -eq, true) {
set keytoggle1 <= false;
function CheckKey2 void()
local kdres bool;
aut_iskeydown %KEY_CODE_2 kdres;
if (%kdres, -eq, true) {
if (%keytoggle2, -eq, false) {
call SendText("%arrConfigItems[1]") => void;
set keytoggle2 <= true;
} else {
if (%keytoggle2, -eq, true) {
set keytoggle2 <= false;
function CheckKey3 void()
local kdres bool;
aut_iskeydown %KEY_CODE_3 kdres;
if (%kdres, -eq, true) {
if (%keytoggle3, -eq, false) {
call SendText("%arrConfigItems[2]") => void;
set keytoggle3 <= true;
} else {
if (%keytoggle3, -eq, true) {
set keytoggle3 <= false;
function CheckKey4 void()
local kdres bool;
aut_iskeydown %KEY_CODE_4 kdres;
if (%kdres, -eq, true) {
if (%keytoggle4, -eq, false) {
call SendText("%arrConfigItems[3]") => void;
set keytoggle4 <= true;
} else {
if (%keytoggle4, -eq, true) {
set keytoggle4 <= false;
function CheckKey5 void()
local kdres bool;
local fixcount int;
set fixcount <= %arrConfigItems.length;
-- fixcount;
aut_iskeydown %KEY_CODE_5 kdres;
if (%kdres, -eq, true) {
if (%keytoggle5, -eq, false) {
call SendText("%arrConfigItems[%switchcount]") => void;
++ switchcount;
if (%switchcount, -gre, %fixcount) {
set switchcount <= %CONFIG_TOGGLE_SECTION_START;
set keytoggle5 <= true;
} else {
if (%keytoggle5, -eq, true) {
set keytoggle5 <= false;
function UpdateGameWindowStatus void()
local iswndactive bool;
local wndstatusmsg string;
call GameWindowActive() => iswndactive;
if (%iswndactive, -eq, true) {
if (%lasttimeactive, -eq, false) {
set wndstatusmsg <= "window found in foreground!";
wnd_setcomptext "frmMain" "CLabel" "lblWndStatus" "Game Status: %wndstatusmsg";
print "Game Status: %wndstatusmsg";
set lasttimeactive <= true;
} else {
if (%lasttimeactive, -eq, true) {
set wndstatusmsg <= "window not in foreground...";
wnd_setcomptext "frmMain" "CLabel" "lblWndStatus" "Game Status: %wndstatusmsg";
print "Game Status: %wndstatusmsg";
set lasttimeactive <= false;
call LoadMessages() => void;
call CreateWindow() => void;
print "%FORM_TEXT%CR%LF";
while (%brun, -eq, true) {
call CheckKey1() => void;
call CheckKey2() => void;
call CheckKey3() => void;
call CheckKey4() => void;
call CheckKey5() => void;
call UpdateGameWindowStatus() => void;
wnd_isformvalid frmMain brun;
sleep 1;